Shared Values &Guiding Principals 1. We believe that God is the source and sustainer of life whose divine love for all of creation is revealed through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, worship is central to our life of faith and sharing God’s love is central to all we do. 2. We believe each human being is made in God’s image and likeness. Therefore, we seek to provide a loving and welcoming community to everyone regardless of sex, race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, physical or mental ability, age, or station of life and we work toward justice for all in our world. 3. We believe that the body of Christ is made up of many members. Therefore, we encourage, enable and empower all members of the CLC community to use their unique gifts and abilities in service to God and neighbor. 4. We believe how we treat others, especially the hungry, the naked, the stranger, the sick and the prisoner is how we treat Christ himself. Therefore, our congregation cares for our neighbors within the CLC community, the greater Coastside community and throughout the world. 5. We believe we are called to use the gifts and resources we have been given to serve one another and our neighbors locally and across the globe. Therefore, we use and care for our property and other resources for the benefit of our CLC community, our Half Moon Bay / Coastside community and in support of the domestic and international work of the ELCA. 6. We believe we are all on faith journeys of growth and discovery. Therefore, we invite questions and discussion, and provide a safe place to share doubts and different perspectives. We ask the Spirit to help us practice what we believe and guide us in the way of peace and love. We seek forgiveness from each other and our neighbors, and trust in the grace of God when we fall short. |
Our History |
Coastside Lutheran began worship in private homes in the early 1970's. Quickly the congregation grew to a point where larger facilities needed to be found. Sunday worship was then held at the "Odd Fellows" Hall in downtown Half Moon Bay. In 1983, the congregation began building on its current site with a sanctuary and outbuildings on 3½ acres oceanside just north of the intersection of Highway 92 and Cabrillo Highway (also known as Highway 1).