Be sure to check the monthly calendar and current newsletter for this month’s schedule of activities.
- Table Talk: On the first Wednesday of the month we meet over lunch, 11:30am, in our fellowship hall to discuss philosophical issues around our faith and the faith of other religions around the world. You can attend in person or on zoom.
- Women’s Bible Study: On the second Tuesday of the month, women gather from 2-3:30pm to enjoy tea, light snacks, fellowship and to study and discuss scripture. Currently, we are studying Bible 101. You can also attend via Zoom (see the link on the home page).
- Diverse Stories Book Club: We gather together every 3rd Thursday of the month in pastor's office to discuss current books. Check the current newsletter and weekly e-mail for the titles and topics of upcoming discussions. You can also attend via Zoom (see the link on the home page).
- Prayer Labyrinth, Peace Pole, and Lending Library: Nestled among the palm trees, the gravel prayer labyrinth on the grounds of CLC is open to the public during daylight hours for meditation and prayer. The prayer labyrinth here at CLC was constructed in memory of longtime member Marilyn Bosshart. You can find more information on the history of prayer labyrinths and suggestions on how to use them for prayer at this website:
- Our Peace Pole and lending library are thanks to Eagle Scout Micah Warner-Carey. The public is invited to contemplate the meaning of the prayer, “Let Peace Prevail” which is inscribed on the pole in eight different languages. Books are available in the lending library for anyone to take.